In this project we worked directly with NAV contributing to their work on how they might rethink and restructure their services to aid Ukranian refugees find gainful employment. One of the problems we noticed during our research was that immigrants and refugees face a lot of discrimination and culture bias during a recruitment process. It’s also very difficult to get your education from abroad approved in Norway; thus a lot of foreigners work within fields that are not relevant to their previous experience. This makes it harder for the foreigners to get into the job market, and unfortunately many companies miss out of a lot of valuable competency. We created three interventions on to help raise awareness of this problems, communicate the value of diversity and make it easier to take action for employers who want to make a change: Intervention #1: A recruitment help page. Here the recruiters can read about the current social and structural challenges, what our desired future is and what they as employers/ recruiters can do to help. Intervention #2: In the candidate search we did some adjustments to help the user to be more flexible; not being so strict concerning qualifications. We also added small pop-up guides to help the user along the way. Intervention #3: In the job ad part we added some guidelines to make it easier for the employer to be more open and flexible with how they formulate themselves and who they’re looking for. For instance an advice to write the job ad in english if they are looking for foreign competency.